Saturday 26 March 2011

Hen Harrier Conservation Framework!

I have a feeling this is attached to another post somewhere but I felt it needed to have a bit more importance so I'll post it again. The Hen Harrier is probably the most persecuted bird of prey the UK have at the moment including that it is also of European concern.

The framework has been carried out by the JNCC to assess a number of factors that are affecting Hen Harriers on a national level incluidng the Hen Harrier-Grouse Moor conflict and how this may be resolved. The Frame work will look at both species protection on a regional and national level, constraints effecting populations and conservaton management practices.

It is a hefty read and probably isn't for everyone, but for those of you who have followed the Hen Harrier plight or have a keen interest in how conservation plans are thought out, take a read.

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