Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Raptors around the world!

Well it feels like being abroad here in the UK with the lovely warm weather we have just had, perfect for watching young Common Buzzards stretching their wings and also Sparrowhawks thermalling in the blue skies. I'm going to get a sore neck with all this looking up. I have been a bit busy lately at work with the students coming back so I apologise for the lack of entries but hopefully you have been following things via our bird of prey links page. Well I have got plenty of stuff for you to read below and the blog will be getting a bit of clean up and update.

So what have the birds of the prey been upto from around the world, well I'm that behind there has been 3 Wildlife Extra newsletters I have missed.

The Autumn migration is well underway with thousands of birds moving to warmer climbs, this is no easy journey especially when your route includes Malta.

An Osprey found injured by fishing line has had a happy ending but is this happening all to ofren with fishing line?

Some of the best known Peregrines in the UK live at Symonds Yat and this year they surprised the viewers of the breeding season with the late arrival of a smaller juvenil.

The Hen Harrier continued this year to be the most persecuted raptor in the UK with only 4 pairs in England, anyone who follows the Hen Harrier issues closely will have heard of the Langholm Project a unique project to find out if Hen Harriers and Red Grouse shooting can co-exist.

On a sadder note is the continued persecution of birds of prey in the UK, below are just three stories that have come to light albeit a little late in the day.

The Sea Eagle camera based in Australia has recently announced they have had there millionth viewer, why not catch up on it all before it fledges.

Now something for our extreme raptor enthusiasts, below are three scientific papers that have recently landed in my inbox, so if your keen to find out something a bit more in depth about raptors from around the world below you can read about Harpy Eagles in Serra Bonita, Semi Collared Hawk in Northern Peru and the effects of radio back packs on Red Kites in England.

Two more things before I finish this post, firstly the Raptor Research Foundation September Newsletter is available on this link and a website researching Arctic Raptors you can find this on the links page.

Hope you enjoy all the above, I'm off to tidy up the blog and add a new page. Don't forget we are now on Twitter you can follow us at!/raptor_aid and why not add us as a friend on Facebook at

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