Raptor Awareness Courses & Talks!

Every year I run a few Raptor Awareness Courses for people interested in learning more about birds of prey and how to identify the various groups and species. Below is a few topics we cover and the current dates.

  • Evolution
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Habits & Habitats
  • British Species
  • Identification
  • Conservation

2015 Dates


Every year I am asked to do a few talks regarding birds of prey covering a variety of topics dependant on the audience which can vary from schools to conservation groups. I always try and make them lively, informative, factual and relaxed with an importance on the audience going away feeling they have gained something.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss the possibility of a talk via raptormantv@yahoo.co.uk

2015 Talks