Sunday, 1 May 2011

From the ferry!

I'm currently on the ferry to Ireland for 4 days relax, so I'm trying for the very first time to post through my iPhone, if it comes out wrong I'm sorry!

Firstly some important news that you may already be aware of but it needs everyones action! The government and it's Devine intelligence towards the budget deficit have come out with the idea of cutting/scrapping our wildlife and environmental laws as they feel it's to much red tape! What a ludicrous idea, things like the wildlife & countryside act were created to protect our natural world from money grabbers and commercial exploits to name a few! We can't let this government scrap these laws for there commercial gain, there are already to many countries who exploit there natural resources! I urge you to visit and sign there wildlife petition! It only takes 2 minutes!

Onto birds of prey I have found out there are Peregrines in the area of Worlds End they bred 3 youngsters last year so hears to a successful season for 2011 I will keep visiting to catch a glimpse! I recently joined the neotropical raptor group which keeps me posted on all sorts of research and activities with raptors found in the tropics, one group that seem very pro active is Ryan Phillips and the Belize raptor Institution. You can visit them at to keep upto date, I will add it to the links page!

I'm hoping whilst in Ireland I can get away and see some Hen Harriers as it's a bit of a hot bed for the species but I'll have missed the display flights but I have my binoculars packed.

My thumb is getting tired now from this phone tapping so I will post again soon, don't forget to sign the petition!

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