Saturday, 26 March 2011

Table of Scottish Raptor Persecution 1989-2011

Raptor Politics have published an interesting table showing the raptor persecution that took place during 1989-2011 in Scotland and was reported. This data is only what Raptor Politics could find or know about you will see that 95-97 contains no data.

The biggest killer of birds of prey in the table is poisoning by toxic chemicals and you will notice that the same usual raptors succumb to this sort of death due in part to their diet including carrion. I can't help but feel this type of persecution can be used as a smoke screen by the people laying down such poisons, I think it is all to easy for the perpetraitors to say it was used to control something lawfully like a fox it wasn't meant to be eaten by a Golden Eagle. But that still doesn't make it right so why are so little custodial sentences or fines handed out?

I would like to see a more comprehensive national list compiled to really show what birds of prey still face in modern times. Take a look at the table at the link below

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